It Takes (No) Time to Build Trust

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It Takes (No) Time to Build Trust

Building Trust is not a function of clock time.

Consider:  You sit  next to someone on an airplane and connect really fast.  By the time you land, you are confiding a personal matter, or inviting him to visit you. Instant trust.

Yet you know some people for years, maybe decades, and you still don’t trust them.  More clock time won’t change that.

Trust is built through emotional risks that are safely resolved.  I begin to trust you when  I share something personal or vulnerable, and you treat me with respect.  I trust you when I count on you to deliver, and you come through.  I trust you when you confide in me, or seek my help, and my contribution to you is received with honor.  I trust you when you put my interests first.

No risk, no trust.

So if you want to build trust fast, look for a small, prudent risk you can take that is likely to meet with success.  Make a request that is easy for others to fulfill.  Share something personal and invite candid feedback.  Make a promise and keep it.  Time after time, you are building trust….in no (clock) time at all.

2016-11-17T08:20:16+00:00 Categories: All, Heart, Relationships|0 Comments

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